"Catch the Wave" and Ride it Forward!

I created this video to encourage everyone to “Catch the Wave” and join others who are using Less Single-Use Plastic. My hope is that you will share this video with friends and family so that together we keep the message moving forward and the movement growing.   

“Catch the Wave” and join others who are using Less Single-Use Plastic. You need not buy a single item on this site to "Catch the Wave.” 

That phrase is simply a call to action; a reminder to “Carry Your Bottle,” and to “Skip the Straw.” It’s also a reminder to "Take Your Bag” when going to market, and to refrain from purchasing single-use products wrapped in plastic! 

In other words. . . it's a call to “Stop and Think". So "Ride it Forward” by being an example and inspire others to "Contribute to the Change."

Why this mission is so important

Here are a few compelling facts that were my reason for starting the Less-Single-Use Plastic Design Project.

  1. I understand that 90% of plastic is never recycled. That means that when I put a single-use plastic item—a water bottle, a food container, a plastic spoon, or knife--in my recycling bin, there is a 90% chance it will end up in a landfill.
  2. I know that plastic is not biodegradable and this means that every piece of plastic ever created still exists. What's worse is that plastic eventually breaks down into microplastics. These are now tiny microscopic particles that are toxic and are polluting our food and water. They are harmful to humans and animals alike and they are no longer easy to "clean up". 
  3. II read that it is projected that by 2050, there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish! A big contribution to our plastic pollution problem is the use of single-use plastic items. These are the things that get used for only a few minutes then start the journey to a landfill. What I am specifically speaking of is: plastic water bottles, plastic grocery bags, plastic straws, plastic packaging on food, take out containers, food wrappers, plastic forks knives, spoons, and cups. . . 

I KNOW WE ALL CAN DO BETTER. So...I created this site to encourage and promote Less Single-Use Plastic. If we bring a bag to shop, travel with our water bottles, think before buying food wrapped in plastic, collectively our efforts will be compounded. Furthermore, if we continue to make choices that are healthier for us and the planet then in turn the manufacturers who are caring about how they do business will grow and we will start to see improvements.