Less Single-Use Plastic Classroom Art Project/Lesson Plan & Contest

Please feel free to use this lesson plan and contest to help spread awareness of our growing plastic pollution problem and encourage others to choose Less Single-Use Plastic as part of the solution. It is adaptable for ages K-12. 


The Less Single-Use Plastic Art Contest that runs monthly will be themed and is ongoing. There is no entry FEE. It is open to all students in grades K-12.

  • January: Snowflakes and Snowy Mountains
  • February: Sunshine and waves 
  • March: Animals
  • April: Trees
  • May: Flowers
  • June: Seashore
  • July: Sea Creatures
  • August: Landscapes
  • September: Leaves
  • October: Pumpkins and Acorns
  • November: Desert Landscape and Animals
  • December: Stars and Sky 

Entries will be collected and shown in the online gallery as they arrive in my inbox and I will pick the feature design at the end of the month.

I will post as many as I can in an online gallery, and I will choose one to highlight one winning design each month and custom design it into a water bottle, t-shirt, or travel mug. The monthly winning artist will receive a free water bottle t-shirt or travel mug with their own design. Any proceeds from additional orders with a winning design will be donated to organizations that work to clean our oceans and protect land and wildlife.  

If you'd like to participate in the art contest, simply email a jpeg image of your art to info@lesssingleuseplastic.com with the following information as you would like it to appear in the online gallery. Please note: Only fill out the information you would like to be visible on the website. 

Artwork Title: 
Student Name:
School Name: 
Teacher Name: 



TITLE: The Less Single-Use Plastic Art Project

OBJECTIVE: To create a design that promotes and encourages others to choose to use less single-use plastic in their daily routines and habits. Be creative and expressive. All styles are welcome. Words are optional and if they are included they should be hand drawn. The feeling of the images is positive. We are focusing on what people can do, NOT what they should not do, We want your design or artwork to encourage others. 

Step one: Have a class discussion about Single-Use Plastic. What is it and why is it important to limit our use of these to help climate change and to help limit pollution? Be sure to talk about:

W H A T  are "Single-Use" Plastics?

Single-Use Plastic are items made of plastic that are used one then discarded. They come in the form of plastic water bottles, plastic grocery bags, plastic straws, plastic packaging on food, t containers, food wrappers, plastic forks knives, spoons, cups, and lids. Cosmetic containers, detergent jugs, packaging in online orders, ballots, and more...

W H Y  are "single-use" plastics a problem?

  1. 91% of plastic is never recycled. That means, that when we put a single-use plastic item—a water bottle, a food container, a plastic spoon, or a knife into a recycle bin--there is a very high chance it will end up in a landfill.
  2. Plastic is not biodegradable. This means that every piece of plastic ever created still exists. What's worse is that plastic eventually breaks down into micro-plastics. These, now tiny, microscopic particles are toxic and are polluting our food and water. They are harmful to humans and animals alike and they are no longer easy to "clean up". 
  3. It is projected that by 2050, there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish! A big contribution to our plastic pollution problem is the use of single-use plastic items. These are the things that get used for only a few minutes and then start the journey to a landfill.

H O W  can we help?

Talk about changes every person can make such as:

  • Skip the straw
  • carry a water bottle
  • choose less plastic at the market
  • bring reusable bags to shop
  • use bar soap or refill liquid 

Discuss how these actions multiplied by many people in many places over and over again can have a major positive impact. Please feel free to refer to my list of BE CLEVER LIKE A FOX 101 ways to use less single-use plastic. 


For inspiration, please watch the "Catch the Wave Video" by clicking here:https://lesssingleuseplastic.com/pages/catch-the-wave-video

Step 2: Choose a 2D art Medium. These can be created in watercolor, paint, markers, crayons, cut paper, or any 2D medium. 

Step 3: Create your design or art. Sizes can be any size for the gallery, but if it is to submit to the contest, please create your artwork in a square and send it by email in a jpeg format. 

The final, and most important step, is to post the designs in your school or community to spread awareness. By doing so you will encourage others to:

  • Skip the straw
  • carry a water bottle
  • choose less plastic at the market
  • bring reusable bags to shop
  • use bar soap or refill liquidated more. 


Please note: International entries will be accepted but due to the limitation of the print on demand locations in EU Canada and US prizes may be restricted to certain countries. In other words, If you do not near these printing locations you may not receive the free water bottle. I just want to be upfront and also be mindful of excessive shipping for obvious environmental reasons. 
